01/22/17 | Motion to amend the Constitution | Hodgen | Crocker | Breidenbach, Ziebarth, Fox, Crocker, Wade, Hodgen, Lewis, Ross, Agay, Gautreaux | None | Yes |
01/30/17 | New Constituion notice emailed out to the membership. | N/A | N/A | |||
05/12/17 | Motion to adopt a new pace of play policy with stricter enforcement. | Ziebarth | Crocker | Gautreaux, Pappas, Shapiro, Paigen, Lewis, Yim, Purohit Wade, Dauber, Connell | None | Yes |
09/25/17 | Stephen Lewis to head the Nominating Committee for 2018 officers. | Tandberg | Ferguson | Presented 10/7 GM meeting at Simi Hills. No nominees from the floor. Slate passes. | None | Yes |
12/21/17 | Motion to pay $1,400 for Scrolf live scoring. | Shapiro | Carrier | Lee, Connell, Carrier, Lewis, Crocker, Hodgen, Dauber, Gautreaux | None | Yes |
01/09/18 | Motion that the club pays the full $125 membership fee for volunteers and life members. | Gautreaux | Crocker | Lewis, Crocker, Wade, Hodgen, Ferguson, Shapiro, Ziebarth, Harrold, Connell | Agay | Yes |
01/11/18 | The Secretary position is officially vacant. | Paigen | Dauber | Paigen, Crocker, Lewis, Lee, Ziebarth, Wade, Agay, Dauber, Hodgen, Shapiro, Ferguson, Gautreaux | None | Yes |
02/04/18 | New Constitution passes, 43-1, at General Membership Meeting | N/A | N/A | 43 | 1 | Yes |
02/13/18 | Motion to bestow Lifetime Membership for Todd Wade and Fritz Breidenbach per Part III Constitution (10 years of Volunteer Service) | Tandberg | Ferguson | Fox, Tandberg, Crocker, Dauber, Ziebarth, Lewis, Ferguson, Lee, Geautreaux, | None | Yes |
02/15/18 | Dave Ziebarth to fill Treasurer vacancy. | Tandberg | Ferguson | Tandberg, Lee, Shapiro, Wade, Dauber, Crocker, Ferguson, Fox, Lewis, Wexler | None | Yes |
02/15/18 | Dermot Connell to fill Director vacancy | Tandberg | Ferguson | Tandberg, Lee, Shapiro, Wade, Dauber, Crocker, Ferguson, Fox, Lewis, Wexler | None | Yes |
02/24/18 | Motion to adopt Local Rule that gives relief from sprinkler heads near putting greens. | Tandberg | Gonzo | Tandberg, Harrold, Fox, Lewis, Dauber, Ferguson, Gautreaux, Wade, Ziebarth | Ross | Yes |
10/09/18 | Email sent out to membership that Nominating Committee has been formed. GM meeting announced for December 6th. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
10/18/18 | Email sent out that Breidenbach, Simon, and Harrold are nominated. No submission from GM after seven days. Nominees confirmed. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11/15/18 | Bryan Crocker to replace Nathan Fox as Secretary. | Tandberg | Wade | Wade, Lewis, Ziebarth, Shapiro, Harrold, Breidenbach, Tandberg, Wexler, Connell | None | Yes |
11/16/18 | Motion to grant Life Member status to Gonzo Paigen. | Tandberg | Wade | Connell, Breidenbach, Harrold, Lewis, Tandberg, Wade, Ferguson, Wexler, Agay, Dauber | None | Yes |
12/16/18 | General Membership Meeting: Motion made to accept Breidenbach, Harrold, and Simon as incoming Directors at Large | Tandberg | Shapiro | Shapiro, Connell, Wade, Tandberg, Ferguson | None | Yes |
03/01/19 | Motion to use PayPal as the sole vehicle for tournament refunds. | Tandberg | Shapiro | Tandberg, Shapiro, Lewis, Ferguson, Harrold, Agay, Wade, Ziebarth, Dauber, Wexler | None | Yes |
03/05/19 | Board submits letter of support in regard to new clubhouse plans | Tandberg | Ferguson | Tandberg, Ferguson, Connell, Lewis, Simon, Clair, Ziebarth, Wade, Dauber, Shapiro, Harrold | Agay | Yes |
05/31/19 | Motion to adopt a policy of immediately posting scores after a completed round | Tandberg | Wade | Tandberg, Wade, Shapiro, Lewis, Dauber, Breidenbach, Ferguson, Clair, Simon | None | Yes |
06/21/19 | Motion to send a letter of support for the new restaurant | Tandberg | Shapiro | Tandberg, Dauber, Shapiro, Simon, Lewis, Ferguson, Crocker, Wexler, Connell, Ziebarth, Harrold, Connell | None | Yes |
10/02/19 | Dave Ziebarth heads the Nomination Committee to replace expiring Director at Large positions. GM meeting set for 12/1. | Tandberg | Ziebarth | Committee made up of Augustus, Blank, Carrier, Bosten, and Ziebarth. | N/A | N/A |
10/09/19 | Email sent out to membership that Wade, Clair, and Crown are nominated. No submission from GM after seven days. Nominees confirmed. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11/22/19 | Motion to switch to Golf Genius as our new software platform. | Thor | Wade | Tandberg, Breidenbach, Wade, Ferguson, Lewis, Crocker, Connell, Dauber, Simon, Wexler, Harrold, Ziebarth. | None | Yes |
08/18/30 | Thor Tandberg resigns as President | N/A | N/A | Stephen Lewis becomes President | N/A | N/A |
08/20/20 | David Ziebarth resigns as Treasurer | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
08/20/20 | Ozzy Busquets to replace Ziebarth | Tandberg | Dauber | Shapiro, Connell, Dauber, Clair, Crocker | None | Yes |
08/23/20 | Stephen Lewis appoints Thor Tandberg as Vice President | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
08/27/20 | Replace Ziebarth as a signatory on BofA account and replace with Busquets/Tandberg. | Lewis | Crown | Connell, Crown, Wade, Lewis, Clair, Simon, Breidenbach | None | Yes |
09/25/20 | Stephen Lewis resigns as President. Tandberg, as Vice President, assumes the role. Tandberg appoints Robert Shapiro as Vice President. | Lewis | N/A | N/A | N/A | Yes |
09/25/20 | Jon Simon picked to lead the Nominating Committee for 2021/2022 directors | Tandberg | Busquets | Tandberg, Shapiro, Crocker, Busquests | None | Yes |
11/07/20 | Announced via email that the General Membership meeting will take place at Simi Hills on December 5. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11/07/20 | Motion to pay scrip via Amazon only. | Tandberg | Dauber | Tandberg, Shapiro, Crocker, Busquets, Breidenbach, Simon, Clair, Wade, Crown, Dauber | None | Yes |
11/07/20 | Motion to pay scrip immediately and not wait for a request. | Tandberg | Dauber | Tandberg, Shapiro, Crocker, Busquets, Breidenbach, Simon, Clair, Wade, Crown, Dauber | None | Yes |
11/07/20 | Motion that club to carry no scrip debt. | Tandberg | Dauber | Tandberg, Shapiro, Crocker, Busquets, Breidenbach, Simon, Clair, Wade, Crown, Dauberg | None | Yes |
12/05/20 | General Membership Meeting at Simi Hills. Akin, Dauber, and Lewis were installed as Directors. | Tandberg | Crocker | All members in attendance | None | Yes |
03/31/21 | Motion made that, starting on January 1st and ending on December 31st, the first member to get a hole-in-one in an RPGC tournament receives a $1,000 award. | Wade | Dauber | Crown, Wade, Crocker, Simon, Clair, Lewis, Akin, Connell, Dauber | None | Yes |
04/27/21 | Disciplinary Committee to investigate a cheating charge against member Waran Venkat. | Tandberg | 60-day suspension, loss of GOTY points. | Tandberg, Dauber, Wade, Crocker, Lewis | None | 60-day suspension, loss of GOTY points. |
08/25/21 | Stephen Lewis to head the Nominating Committee for 2018 officers. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
08/26/21 | Announced via email that the General Membership meeting will take place at Soule Park on October 2nd. Dauber, Lewis, and Cooper were announced as nominees. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
10/02/21 | General Membership approves the slate of submitted candidates. Breidenbach, Connell, and Cooper were approved as new Directors. | Tandberg | Shaprio | All | None | Yes |
08/05/22 | Motion for Lewis to head Nominating Committee | Tandberg | Cooper | Busquets, Crown, Lewis, Cooper, Crocker, Dauber, Wade, Shapiro | N/A | Yes |
08/16/22 | Board approves formation of Nominating Committee | Tandberg | Cooper | Busquets, Crown, Lewis, Cooper, Crocker, Dauber, Wade, Shapiro | None | Yes |
08/16/22 | Email sent out to membership that Nominating Committee has been formed. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
08/19/22 | Email sent out to the membership that Fournier, Wade, and Crown were nominated by the Committee. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
09/04/22 | Motion for the club to pay for 32 golfers to go on a trip to San Diego. | Tandberg | Crocker | Tandberg, Cooper, Shapiro, Connell, Dauber, Akin, Busquets, Crown, Wade, Breidenbach | N/A | Yes |
10/06/22 | Motion to increase dues to $150 | Tandberg | Crown | Cooper, Busquets, Crown, Breidenbach, Akin, Lewis (abstained: Wade, Connell, Dauber, Crocker, Shapiro, Tandberg). | N/A | No |
07/05/23 | Motion to increase minimum rounds played in order to qualify for a major from three to six. | Tandberg | Crown | Tandberg, Busquets, Crown, Crocker, Connell, Cooper, Wade, Fournier, Lewis, Dauber, Shapiro, Breidenbach | None | Yes |
07/11/23 | Budget presented for 2022/2023 tournaments. | Tandberg | Crown | Tandberg, Crown, Wade, Fournier, Akin, Connell, Shapiro, Lewis | None | Yes |
08/19/23 | Crown replaces Shapiro as VP. Shapiro to Director at Large | Tandberg | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
09/13/23 | Announcement to the membership that the next GM meeting will be on November 9th. | Tandberg | N/A | N/A | N/A | |
09/15/23 | Nominating Committee appointed. | Tandberg | Crocker | All | None | Yes |
09/17/23 | New board positions are announced to the membership. No submission from GM after seven days. Nominees confirmed. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
09/18/23 | Connell resigns from the board. | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
09/18/23 | Motion for Michael Brady to replace Connell for the duration of the term. | Tandberg | Crocker | Crocker, Crown, Lewis, Akin, Busquets, Wade, Cooper, Shapiro | None | Yes |
10/09/23 | Motion that members must have at least six rounds played to enter one of our free tournaments. | Tandberg | Crocker | Tandberg, Crocker, Akin, Fournier, Wade, Dauber, Busquets, Shapiro, Lewis, Brady, Cooper | None | Yes |
10/10/23 | Motion to pay out top five in final GOTY standings | Tandberg | Fournier | Tandberg, Crocker, Crown, Akin, Wade, Busquets, Luigi | Brady, Dauber | Yes |
10/24/23 |
Motion to exclude team events, except for the Fourball Championship, from GOTY points |
Crown | Tandberg |
Tandberg, Crown, Lewis, Akin, Wade, Fournier, Cooper, Breidenbach, Crocker, Brady, Shapiro |
Yes | |
10/29/23 |
Motion to set membership fee to $300 for new players, $150 for renewals. |
Fournier | Crown |
Tandberg, Fournier, Crown, Cooper, Lewis, Wade, Briedenbach, Tandberg, Akin, Brady, Shapiro, Dauber, Busquets, Crocker |
Yes |